The Physio Difference

In the age of the quick shopping centre massages and the kiosk masseuse, the importance of expertise and professional knowledge in massage has never been greater.

At MOVE Physiotherapy, all massages are conducted by our experienced physiotherapists who have the expertise and training to determine the most appropriate form of massage to suit your needs.

Massage performed by our qualified physiotherapists is imperative for these reasons:

  • We know your body and can identify the cause of aches, pains and soreness, ensuring a better result every time.
  • We take a tailored approach, targeting the key areas of your body chosen by you.
  • We can perform a range of massages including sports massage, remedial massage and relaxation.
  • To ensure you get the most out of your session, we can also incorporate the use of other treatment techniques such as dry needling, spinal joint mobilization and specific muscle stretches to produce the best results possible.

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